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A Sign From the Universe: The Frog

I was raised Catholic and I do believe in a higher being but i am SPIRITUAL more than I am RELIGIOUS.

That being said, some of you may think I am crazy when I start talking about being an empath or gut feelings or signs from the universe. That is fine. I am a bit nutzo, I am the first to admit it. I collect my Buddha statues and crystals and google what the spiritual symbolism and significance of xyz is after something noteworthingly odd occurs. Which brings me to my encounters lately with THE FROGS!

Of course, i am aware that I live in South Florida and there is an abundance of tree frogs that blend into their habitats and pretend I don't exist as I simultaneously ignore their existence. But, as I was taking Chicken out for his morning 'do your business' walk, I was deeply focused on my phone, typing away about feelings that I had to get off my chest before I exploded. He did his business and I picked it up, as any decent community member would. I walked to throw it away and forcefully ripped a new bag out of the box to tie to his leash and to my utter disgusting surprise i felt a moist SPLAT that bounced off my face and onto my shoulder. I looked down and there was an amphibian attached to me! Naturally, i screamed, dropped the leash and flung the sticky creature onto the floor. I picked up Chicken's leash and looked desperately for the frog's location on the floor, trying to avoid any further interaction. To my dismay, Chicken ran towards me and apparently the frog was camouflaged in his path and the little sucker proceeded to jump and attach itself to my leg! Many weird noises later accompanied by the confused stares of my dog, I was critter free and walking back towards my house.

Although I was disgusted, the freak of nature that I am decided to google the spiritual significance of frogs. The results, from many "reliable" resources say that frogs represent a deeper connection with our feelings, perspectives and our ability to purge negative energy from our lives. They also symbolize fertility, potential, transformation, purity, prosperity and good luck. A deeper dive into these articles compare the life cycle of frogs to their symbolism because their transition from water dwelling tadpoles to land hopping frog that attach themselves to unsuspecting humans, is one that is significant.

While I believe that there is a higher being, I also believe that the universe and energies play a vital part in my life. I am blessed with so many people and things that make existence worthwhile. But I also feel a strong connection to energies and take signs from the universe into account as well. Sure, a tree frog could have jumped on anyone getting a fresh poop bag out of the box, but it didn't, it hopped on me. Yes, it is possible to spin anything on the internet to fit your circumstances if you try hard enough. But I couldn't discount the amount of transitions I have been going through of late, the pent up feelings that I am learning to let go of and express rather than holding on to pain or self sabotaging, the possibilities that have exposed themselves to me recently and the relationships that have evolved with time. It was hard for me in the moment not to correlate the frog symbolism to my life changes. And that may not make sense to anyone but myself and my mother but I am okay with that. It was better than just being freaked out by the gross, squishy leaper that felt the need to ruin my feelings of cleanliness and the start of my day.

A lot of the time when you hear me speak or vent I sound like a pessimist or some may say a realist, depending on their perspective, but I do truly try to see the silver lining in situations as much as humanly possible.

My mom also googles significant 'signs' when they cross her path and she has sent me articles about 'spirit animals' and how those change with time and circumstance. But apparently when certain animals cross your paths or you notice them in places they wouldn't normally be or just repeatedly in the course of a short period of time, that could be a sign that your spirit animal is trying to teach you or highlight something for you.

Yes, I know this sounds stupid to believe but I wrote the first draft of this almost 2 weeks ago and with my self-doubt and loathing, I decided not to post it....yet. Then last night I was in the shower and there is a weird patterned window that usually attracts little bugs to the light in the dark, which in turn attracts lizards that I name and like to watch their little feet stick to the window and bellies slither around as they chase said bugs. But last night, for the first time, it was not lizards, it was a tree frog! Staring at me. Walked up and down the window, veiny and squishy and at a safe distance that I could appreciate the beauty of the little girl/guy. (She was named Doris.) She moved around the window quite a bit, peered into my soul one more time then jumped out into the darkness. From that moment, I said, yeaaaaaaaa, I have to post my universe signs frog post.

So here it is. You're welcome. Have a wonderful day! If you see or encounter a frog today, it is probably a sign from the universe and you can thank me later. (Sorry Caro... don't kill me lol)


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Life can get a bit chaotic at times. Reading, writing and painting (by numbers) are my ways of escaping the world! I hope you stick around and find something you can relate to. 

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