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This F*cking World: Failing Our Moral Responsibility

The state of the world is fucking heartbreaking.

The world, on fire.

Sadly, there's no significant means of fixing it because humans have fucked up so colossally.

If you're easily offended by opinions, or don't wish to hear an angry rant, here is your queue to go... fair warning, because I feel no guilt or shame for anything I'm about to say. Thank you, you're welcome.

I am sad. I am disgusted. I am angry.

The lack of humility, and empathy and care for fellow human beings is disappointing and disturbing on many levels. The excess of disregard and cruelty in this world should not be ignored or downplayed.

I watched the news for 5 minutes, not by choice, in the break room at work and I could honestly cry. Every time I am accidentally privy to the news of the world, Micah receives my rants as a reflection of a fraction of my sorrow and distaste for people. Without said rants, and usually supporting links from the rabbit hole from hell I end up in, I would not be able to continue working the remainder of my shift with the overwhelming anxiety and rage that I feel inside.

So let's fucking unpack some feels. Shall we?

I am many things. I am a mixture of cultures and backgrounds and my family is a wide range of races, ethnicities, religions and opinions. I may be unable to fully grasp the experiences of others because we shoulder different burdens from society, but whether it be racial, gender, identity, religious, or just thoughts, we are all different from even our closest friends and family members in one way or another. Therefore, anyone who ignores discrepancies in the way that people are treated and cannot show empathy, compassion or understanding for another being, despite circumstance, is undoubtedly part of the problem as well.

You may not share the opinions of your peers but if you fail to recognize your biases or to stand up for other humans that are clearly being mistreated, you aren't doing your part. Each and every one of us are impacting the lives of the future and shouldn't ignore our moral responsibility to leave this world a better place than we were born into. We each carry that heavy burden of responsibility to ensure a better world, whether we like it or not.

Wishing the 5 minute window of news I watched here are some of the topics:

  • The remains of a woman was found in 3 suitcases and tossed into a body of water in the city I live in

  • The war between Ukraine and Russia (Ukraine vs Putin if we are being honest)

  • Record high temperatures around the world and associated wildfires in Greece causing the largest evacuation in Greek history (but, yes - global warming isn't real ;)

  • A black truck driver who was pulled over, surrounded by officers, unarmed and surrendered (hands in the air) had a police dog instructed to attack him despite the advice and protests of other officers. After removing the dog and the clear distress and disbelief of some officers due to the man's pained screams, he was forcefully handcuffed and told he was being held down in this manner because he is still capable of kicking. (Here is the body cam footage, in case it is as hard for you to believe as it was for me:

  • Texas and Gov. Greg Abbott are also being sued by the DOJ for the barrier they installed in the Rio Grande to prevent border crossing by immigrants. The barrier forces crossers into deeper waters and they are greeted by barbed wire on the banks that they are able to reach, causing incredible damage to both adults and children crossing. When asked to remove the barrier that wasn't approved by the appropriate parties (violating the River & Harbors Act) the governor refused and said "I'll see you in court Mr. President."

Do I believe in laws? Of course. Do I believe in enforcing them? Yes, within means! Should there be consequences for the truck driver who refused to stop and forced law enforcement to pursue? Yes, for sure. Should he have been savaged by a dog then forcefully put in handcuffs AFTER he clearly surrendered? Absolutely not, under no circumstances. Should border control be taken seriously and asylum be requested through correct procedures? Yes, they should. Should men, women and children be forced into dangerous waters and torn apart by barb wire while they are trying to escape whatever horrors pushed them towards risking the journey in the first place? No.

There has to be better ways. But the question is, how can we turn back now if people of influence or power of any sort, think these actions are reasonable or okay?

No life is more valuable than another. End of argument. If only people could remove their heads out of their asses and remember that, this world might not be so hostile and unbearable for us all to cohabitate. Life is hard enough to maneuver without the help of others to make it worse.

So, if you have any question as to whether you could do better, or if you have been a piece of shit in one way another... the answer is yes. We all could do better. No one is asking for perfect. We are all entitled to off days. But the good you put out into this world should be a bajillion times more than the bad.

Now, have the day that you deserve!

That is all I have to give today.

Love ya. Bye.

1 Comment

Tammy Jamison
Jul 30, 2023

I love reading your writings and you’re not wrong. It makes me very angry as well. This world has fallen apart.

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